Together, we can build the inclusive system we all want

The evidence is clear that our system is far from inclusive. It’s time we did something about it

JL Dutaut
Jonny Uttley

What works in improving SEND outcomes?

A new programme aims to gather and share evidence of best SEND practice to improve provision. Some case studies…

JL Dutaut
Dr Sam Baars

How to harness predictability to support school leavers

Two former heads of sixth form share a thematic approach to supporting school leavers to thrive once they leave…

JL Dutaut
Luke Ellmers and Maja Trachonitis


Labour’s accountability solutions are just more of the same

The party’s proposals do little to challenge the surveillance culture that’s at the root of many of the sector’s…

JL Dutaut
Chris Bagley

How trusts can pioneer a better model of EAL provision

Our specialist EAL provision is delivering great results and supporting students’ rapid integration into school and community life

JL Dutaut
Emily Preece

Special school funding is in crisis – but does Westminster get it?

The chancellor’s investment in more special school places is not a sufficient response to the scale of need across…

JL Dutaut
Pauline Aitchison
Manifesto 2024

Three core principles to make better education policy

Whatever their specific aims, the next government will need a strategy to put the profession on a stronger footing…

JL Dutaut
Sir Jon Coles

Underfunding and managed decline: The shocking results of our annual survey

The latest polling on school finances reveals the prime minister’s fine words about education to be little more than…

JL Dutaut
Nick Harrison

A road map to sustainable funding for SEND provision

Solving the SEND funding crisis is not just a matter of more money but, crucially, more stability and flexibility…

JL Dutaut
Samuel Skerritt

Must Read


Schools must step up to defend families from data intrusion

These new revelations are an escalation schools should be deeply concerned about

JL Dutaut
Jen Persson

Avoiding VAT is a risky strategy for private schools. Better advice is available

VAT avoidance schemes could backfire. Perhaps private schools should ask state school leaders for financial advice instead

JL Dutaut
Tim Leunig

The solution to our recruitment crisis is in our communities

By pulling together, we can create a new institution to offer progression pathways for people in and around our…

JL Dutaut
Ed Vainker and Rajbir Hazelwood



Degree apprenticeships are key to increasing and diversifying recruitment

Work to deliver the new qualification should continue at pace to meet recruitment challenges by making teaching more accessible,…

JL Dutaut
Melanie Renowden

ITT: Which is the odd one out?

The deeply flawed ITT reforms are a threat to sustainable teacher supply for purely ideological purposes, writes David Spendlove

JL Dutaut
David Spendlove



How sitting an exam re-affirmed my respect for our students

I still believe exams to be the best way of testing academic knowledge and understanding but they’re no bagatelle,…

JL Dutaut
James Handscombe

The stereotype that could be feeding exam anxiety

The ‘snowflake’ stereotype is damaging and unjustified, but a more pervasive idea may be perpetuating exam anxiety, says Stephen…

JL Dutaut
Stephen Caldwell

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