The Summit provides sessions that can be used by educators and schools as part of their professional learning or school improvement plan. The easy-to-navigate pathways provided by role and phase allow individuals to select the sessions most relevant to them. For example, they could select 10 sessions focused on leadership and use these to form the focus for the year.
In the ever-evolving landscape of education, staying abreast of the latest evidence-based trends and innovations is crucial for educators, policymakers, and stakeholders alike. The annual World Education Summit offers a platform for discussions, insights, and collaborations that shape the future of learning. Upon delving into the key speakers, stages, and themes of the upcoming summit, it becomes evident that this March launch event is poised to address pressing challenges and explore groundbreaking solutions.
Key Speakers:
The roster of speakers for The World Education Summit reads like a who’s who in the world of education. Renowned experts, influencers, and policymakers converge to share their perspectives on the current state of education and the path forward. Among the many notable speakers is Doug Lemov, a renowned educator and instructional guru, whose insights promise to ignite discussions on impactful teaching strategies in education. Other luminaries on the list include Leora Cruddas CBE an educational leader and policy influencer, (alongside other CST speakers) Dame Alison Peacock, a prominent voice for teacher empowerment and Professor Paul Miller, an advocate of anti-racism and social justice in education and leadership.
Speaking on the World Headliners stage are, Professor John Hattie, Dr Andreas Schleicher, Dr Jo Boaler, Dr Jim Knight, Professor Rose Luckin, Hywel Roberts and Dr Debra Kidd amongst many more.
Special Features:
The Summit features six special segments. ‘Living Legends: 3 Pinnacles of Educational Greatness’ explores the life’s work of our educational greats featuring Professors Viviane Robinson, Michael Fullan, John Hattie, Alma Harris, Linda Darling Hammond, Andy Hargreaves, Sugata Mitra. ‘Elephants in the School Room’ challenges common educational practices, shedding light on their historical evolution and questioning their value. The Cambridge Assessment driven segment led by Professor Tim Oates delves into the future of assessment, exploring learning theories, pedagogical strategies, and addressing gaps in educational outcomes. ‘Living Legends: Pioneers of equity and equality’ with Diana Osagie shares stories of diversity and inclusion pioneers. Lastly, ‘Women in Leadership’, hosted by Vivienne Porritt OBE, engages in global conversations with female leaders from the WomenEd movement.
12 dynamic stages act as focal points for in-depth discussions and workshops, ensuring that participants can tailor their experience to align with their specific interests. From the ‘Brave Leaders’ stage to the ‘Passionate Practitioners’ stage, the Summit covers a spectrum of topics crucial for shaping education in 2024 and beyond. The popular ‘Training Stage’ features highly practical sessions to enhance leadership, strengthen teaching strategies, make learning visible and maximise the impact of AI in the classroom.
The World Education Summit is now regarded as a phenomenon; it stands as a beacon of innovation and collaboration in the realm of education. By bringing together visionaries, educators, and policymakers, the Summit creates a space for meaningful dialogue and action. Looking ahead to the much-anticipated 2024 Summit, it is evident that the themes and discussions will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of education, ensuring that it remains dynamic, inclusive, and responsive to the needs of the ever-changing world.

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