When cardiac arrests happen out of hospital, 8 out of 10 that occur in the UK happen at home. That’s why, to protect the people we love, it’s crucial that we all know how to give CPR – including the pupils at your school. Equip the next generation with these lifesaving skills with Classroom RevivR.
Classroom RevivR is BHF’s new must-have tool for educational settings teaching 11–16-year-olds across the UK. Pupils could become CPR superheroes one day and save a life by using the skills they can easily learn with Classroom RevivR.
The interactive tool makes it easy for pupils to learn CPR and how to use a defibrillator in the classroom. It’s PSHE-accredited, meets curriculum standards and can be taught in one easy lesson plan – minimising teachers’ workloads.
Thanks to innovative technology, Classroom RevivR also gives pupils live feedback as they practise chest compressions – helping them to find the right rhythm and learn CPR correctly.
There is no need for an external trainer or lots of specialist equipment. Pupils need a digital device (preferrable their own device or a shared one) and something to perform compressions on, like a cushion, coat or backpack. If you already have CPR manikins, you can use these too. And the best part is – it’s completely free to use. Teachers will run the lesson as pupils follow the simple steps, and in 45 minutes, they’ll have created CPR superheroes.
“Teachers who are less confident in CPR would value the fact it just runs through by itself – they can take it on board as well and once they’ve done it once, they’ll feel more confident in what’s coming next and how they can use it.”
Principal Teacher of Guidance, Scotland
Over 900 schools, and hundreds of teachers and pupils, have already taken steps to create a school of CPR superheroes.
Designed with busy teachers in mind, Classroom RevivR holds a variety of benefits for pupils and staff, and is accessible via an online portal:
• Flexible – Classroom RevivR can be accessed on most digital devices.
• Curriculum-aligned – The tool meets statutory health education PSHE standards in the UK and integrates seamlessly into health lessons in all nations.
• Efficient – The tool requires no specialist equipment, and no extra planning – saving you time and money.
• Lifesaving – CPR is a skill we all hope we never have to use, but Classroom RevivR will ensure your pupils are ready if they ever need to perform lifesaving CPR.
Working together, young people will learn the difference between a cardiac arrest and a heart attack, how to respond if they see an unconscious person, including how to make an emergency call and get help, how to use a defibrillator and how to work as a team and perform CPR safely.
Every minute without CPR and defibrillation after a cardiac arrest reduces the chance of survival by up to 10 per cent.
Classroom RevivR will enable you to teach your pupils one of the most important lessons they will ever learn. It will allow you to teach the next generation vital life skills, enabling them to be ready for that day.
Immediate CPR and defibrillation can more than double the chances of survival. British Heart Foundation is urging everyone to learn lifesaving CPR and give someone you love the best chance of survival from a cardiac arrest.
Classroom RevivR has been made possible by the incredible support from BHF’s charity partner Royal Mail.
Win up to £300 for your school this Heart Month
Complete Classroom RevivR between 15 January and 8 March 2024 to be automatically entered into our Heart Month prize draw:
10 prizes of £300 – for schools that train over 15 pupils
20 prizes of £200 – for schools that train over 10 pupils
30 prizes of £100 – for schools that train over 5 pupils
A school from England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales is guaranteed to win a prize from each tier if they meet entry requirements.
Harry’s Story

“If he hadn’t had the quality of the CPR he’d had, it would have been a different story” – Harry’s dad Alex.
Harry Lovett was only seven years old when he collapsed at an after-school football match, from a cardiac arrest, on 10 February 2016. A member of school staff jumped into action and performed CPR on him for about 15 minutes as another dialled 999.
An ambulance rushed him to hospital, where a team of doctors and nurses worked tirelessly to save his life. Harry was diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) and fitted with an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD).
Thanks to bystanders knowing CPR and the doctors and nurses who treated him in hospital, Harry was back in school less than a month later.
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